Saturday, September 1, 2001

Phelps in the Rain

Trip ReportWhiteout atop Phelps

Dates:            September 1, 2001

Location:       Adirondack High Peaks

Team:           Mike and Scot

Destination:  Phelps Mountain Peak (4,161')

Approach:     ADK Loj parking lot

Author:          Mike


Once again, Teena & I checked into the trusted Woodlake Motor Lodge on Saranac Avenue in Lake Placid on Friday night.  This time we were accompanied by our friends Scot & Cat, Michaela, and our six-week-old daughter, Elizabeth.  Scot & I intended to climb Phelps Mountain and eat lunch while viewing Marcy from one of the rocky outcroppings at the summit.  Teena, Cat, Michaela, and Elizabeth planned to spend the day shopping (OUCH!) in Lake Placid.  Teena plans to be back on the trails for a potential hike in October!!!Our plans were mostly fulfilled.  We reached the summit around 11:00am amidst the constant rain and overcast skies.  These conditions somewhat inhibited our summit views of Marcy and the surrounding area, and forced us to retreat into the trees to eat our lunches.  In the end, as the sun finally burned through the clouds as we arrived at our car, we claimed success at climbing Phelps, and providing Scot with his very first Adirondack High Peak hiking adventures.  

It was a cold damp morning start as we arrived at the Loj trail head and started hiking at 7:25am.  The weather was a cold 50+ degrees, drizzly, and overcast.  Not the type of weather you want for taking someone on their first hiking trip.  The parking lot at the ADK Loj was already quite full from cars left by backpackers - a sure sign that this must be the Labor Day weekend.  A major weather system moved through the area the previous night, supplying many hours of severe thunderstorms.  I imagined that there were many flooded tents. The hike was pretty standard, arriving at the Marcy Dam area a little before 9:00am.    We quickly crossed the "High Water Crossing" bridge at Phelps Brook and then took a break at the normal "low water crossing" site to pump water.  The water levels were surprisingly low, considering the amount of rain that hit the region over the past day.  We hit the trail again and reached the summit around 10:30am.  This pace was good since Scot wanted to be back in Lake Placid by mid-afternoon to join the rest of our troop.
The summit, as you might expect from the weather description, was shrouded in clouds, making for a wet experience.  Add a few 25mph wind gusts, and you get an idea of how cold it was.  The summit is mostly treed, and we followed several herd paths through the woods to find the U.S. Geological Survey marker that provides the highest elevation point.  Although we couldn't find the marker (maybe there isn't one?), we did find both rock outcrops that are reported to be at the top of Phelps.  We took turns taking pictures in the numbing air before evacuating the summit for warmer terrain and lunch!  
We hiked for about 15 minutes off the summit before breaking for lunch.  At this point, we shed out wet clothes for the dry ones in our packs.  A note to anyone hiking in wet weather...  I wore a "rain resistant" parka (REI rain resistant treatment) that was supposed to prevent water from penetrating it.  I found that the water pooled on the jacket instead, and leaked through precipitously.  I was wet, cold, and miserable.  I left my Gore Tex jacket at home since it was "too heavy" to wear.  Since this is the 2nd time I've had this luck with this technology and drizzle (the first time, I wore a similar EMS parka), I'm of the opinion that the only good rain protection is probably the Gore Tex.  I'm probably lucky that the air temperature wasn't very cold.
The trip back to the Loj parking lot was as fast-paced as the trip up had been.  In a moment of true back country gratis, we assisted a large crowd of about 20+ children cross Phelps Brook at the regular "low water" crossing.  For adults, this crossing was slippery but relatively easy.  For the 12 and under crowd?  The rushing white-capped rapids and distantly-spaced rocks provided a daunting obstacle.  Scot assumed "landing position" to help the children cross the rocks by providing them a steady hand.  I assumed the "Catcher-in-the-Rye" position, ready to catch any little travelers that might fall, or slip.  Luckily, with Scot's assistance, everyone successfully hopped across the stream without a single slip, and I wasn't called upon for any rescue attempts. 
The rest of the hike was pretty straight forward.  We arrived back at the Loj parking lot around 1:30pm.  Shortly afterward, the sun appeared and the clouds began to dissipate.  The temperatures soared.  "Should we go back up there now that we can see stuff?" I asked as we drank coffee in the High Peaks Information Center.  We both agreed that we'll save it for another day.  Instead, we talked with the rangers about the increased aggressiveness of the local black bear population, drove back to Lake Placid, and joined our companions for lunch at the Steak & Seafood restaurant.

What will we remember from this trip?  The "white out" atop of Phelps Mountain.  Mike's first taste of the "Adirondack Chill!"  Assisting the troop of young hikers cross Phelps Brook.

TBD - Converting all the old trip reports into this blog. 

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